Colon Screening
Colon Screening
Did you know... the development of colorectal cancers takes at least 10 years in most people and begins as small, precancerous polyps that can be easily detected (and, often, removed) during a colon cancer screening?
To complete a colon screening form, click here. Please be as accurate as possible; feel free to go back and make changes, as needed.
Either print and drop off the form at our office, mail or email it to us. To email, complete the form and click the Submit an Email button at the top.
To print and mail, complete the form and click the Print Form button at the top.
Our mailing address is:
Jordan Digestive Diagnostic Center
649 Guy Road
Clayton, NC 27520
To complete the form, click: Colon Screening
For more information or to schedule an appointment or referral, call 919.938.4404.
- Capsule Endoscopy
- Colonoscopy
- Colon Screenings
- Hemorrhoid Banding
- Upper Endoscopy
- Endoscopic Retrograde
- Sigmoidoscopy
- Procedure Preps
- Open Access Colonoscopy
Contact Info
Jordan Digestive Diagnostic Center
649 Guy Road
Clayton, NC 27520
919.938.4404 (office)
919.938.3055 (fax)